The life of the flesh is in the blood
(Leviticus 17:11)
When a Harley Street doctor’s patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory issues, even sometimes paralysis and late onset of heavy menstruation (women in their 60s upwards), he took blood samples.
What he found astonished him.

Their blood had unusual tube-like structures, some particles which lit up and many damaged cells. Few healthy cells were visible. Until three months earlier, he had never seen these formations in blood.
A highly qualified bio-medical specialist in private practice, Dr Philippe said: “These strands or tubes appear to be hollow – it’s really odd.”
His own patients, whose slides are seen here, had all received the Pfizer or AstraZeneca injections.

While these phenomena are being discussed among health experts, he said that local health authorities are refusing to accept that any side effects are vaccine damage, saying it’s post-vaccine damage. “But that’s rubbish – you hardly see any healthy cells here. We’re seeing other, even crazier things – the medical conference in Holland showed blue or red Morgellon-type structures that were travelling through those tubes.”
Dr Philippe had already taken the decision not to offer the experimental coronavirus jabs to patients on the principle of “First do no harm”, and was unmoved by the £20 per jab fee. He says the much-touted injections are experimental gene therapy rather than conventional vaccines, although he is not ‘anti-vax’ and said he had had regular vaccines such as yellow fever.
He has been deeply concerned by the adverse effects of the new ‘vaccines’, quoting from the FDA and CDC’s own statistics showing that the new ‘vaccines’ have killed many more recipients than any previous treatment for respiratory disease since 1996.
“The spike protein travels; just over 900 babies in the US have died from breastfeeding from vaccinated mothers. It really is the Frankenstein injection.”
Nor can the blood of the vaccinated have spike proteins removed from it, so Dr Philippe and his wife were discussing setting up their own blood bank of unvaccinated blood.
He and his wife, who works with him, hope a lab with very sophisticated equipment will examine this phenomenon. “Insurance companies won’t cover vaccine damage because it’s an experimental treatment.”

To mitigate the effects, they advise taking very frequent, high doses of Vitamin C. They had heard that shickamick acid or pine needles (must be white pine needles from Romania) seems to work against the spike protein.
Post-vaccine you can also take Ivermectin, he said.
Dr Philippe takes between 600-1200 mg of Vitamin C, 40 mg of Zinc/copper, and 4000IU of Vitamin D3: “We see a number of patients with respiratory infections daily, and have not experienced any symptoms.” Recommendations to patients vary.

The Ivermectin dosage for Dr Philippe and his wife is based on bodyweight: his wife takes 12 mg and he takes 18 mg once a week, prophylactically. He said that there are a number of recommended protocols, most start of with a couple of doses in the first or first two weeks and then taper off. These have been found to be effective, by competent prescribers. Again, these are prophylactic doses. Actual treatment doses are different, and patient dependant, again, bodyweight plays a role. Actual treatment protocols, may if indicated, be further supported with antibiotics and steroids: “That’s an entirely different ballgame”. NB Don’t take veterinary Ivermectin as that contains additives for animals. Dr Philippe can recommend a UK source.

Dr Philippe told HEART he has no interest in publicity or politics and was surprised that his findings went viral after he forwarded them to colleagues in Australia. The information here comes from a two and a half hour interview with Dr Philippe dated 1 July with a Christian station in South Africa:
In the interview he gives details of restorative supplements that can be taken after vaccination. A researcher who reported the findings to Stew Peters’ programme has given out her email:
At a medical conference in The Netherlands, he found similar blood was being discussed; some blood samples even showed blue and red cells, which are not organic matter. “Linking the dots, we found they had all had the Covid ‘vaccine’.”
He and his wife, who works with him, hope a lab with very sophisticated equipment will examine this phenomenon. “Insurance companies won’t cover vaccine damage because it’s an experimental treatment.”
Dr Philippe told HEART he has no interest in publicity or politics and was surprised that his findings went viral after he forwarded them to colleagues in Australia. The information here comes from a two and a half hour interview with Dr Philippe dated 1 July with a Christian station in South Africa:
In the interview he gives details of restorative supplements that can be taken after vaccination. A researcher who reported the findings to Stew Peters’ programme has given out her email:
Free healing booklet
One of HEART’s partner pastors, Les Potter, is offering his booklet, ‘How to renew your youth and live in health’, free of charge to HEART readers. Just send an A5 sae (or stamps) to Pastor Les Potter, 82 Mill Lane, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 8HR
Prayer for release from the effects of the ‘vaccine’
This prayer was “downloaded” to David Tidy of Prayer Warriors International one morning in 2021 and we offer it to all those who might need to put their trust afresh in our healing God:
Father, I am sorry not to have trusted you fully regarding my spirit, soul, body, and my future.
I am sorry that I have responded to the ways of the world’s manipulations in receiving the recent vaccine jab.
I felt it right at the time but I have now come into further revelation knowing that it was not from you.
I am now aware that I have in my body something that is contrary to your created immune system given to me when born into this generation; for this I am truly sorry.
I now recommit my spirit, soul and body to you in Jesus’ name.
I now in your name take authority over and cancel all negative effects from these jabs and loose myself from all future repercussions from them.
I now speak to my immune system to take back control of my spirit, soul and bodily protection as ordained by God.
I ask you Lord, if you would be generous in your unfailing grace and restore what has been stolen from me, that I may serve you fully with all that I am.
I declare that my spirit, body and soul will be healed and restored according to Psalm 91:5-11, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Helpful Scriptures to pray
(they can be personalised):
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For he shall give his angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
(Psalm 91:5-11)