Good news for shoppers
As soon as shops reopened in April, a local prayer group launched a weekend street outreach to share their faith. Calling themselves ‘Church without walls’, the Sussex-based group invited Dominic…
NATIONAL NEWS by Andrew Halloway
School life Voice for Justice UK, Coalition for Marriage and Christian Concern have all condemned the firing of an Anglican school chaplain – but the Church of England itself has…
Mounting tension
A holy war has broken out – and though the Jewish state is surely its epicentre, this war is not confined to Jerusalem or even Israel as a whole by…
Creation Corner – the wonder of words
Experiments have only confirmed that lovable chimpanzees and awesome apes were not designed to speak. Language seems to be a gift from God to humans only Can you imagine life…
Remembering Prince Philip
After the sad death of Prince Philip, members of Bishop Yousaf Nadeem Bhinder’s churches, as loyal members of the Commonwealth, held prayer services for the royal family. While the majority…