Young people learn about wholesome relationships in the Romance Academy projectYoung people learn about wholesome relationships in the Romance Academy project

GRANTS OF UP TO £3,000 are now available for Sussex churches thanks to Sussex Police wanting to help local churches serve those most at need in the community.

The police have pioneered a partnership with The Cinnamon Network to help local churches start community projects. Cinnamon help local churches identify the social needs in their community and, says Matt Bird, founder of the Cinnamon Trust, who has been to Downing Street to discuss the Big Society with the PM, “We offer a menu of 24 brilliat church-based community projects and provide micro grant funding towards start-up costs. Recognised projects include CAP Job Clubs; Caring for Ex-Offenders; Clean Sheet; Hope Into Action; Ignition; Link Visiting Scheme; MakeLunch; Night Shelter; Reflex; Romance Academy; Street Angels; Street Pastors and TLG Early Intervention.

Grants are available on a first come, first served basis. Download the application form at