By Kenneth Adams from Eastbourne, who says, “Use this poem for a time of quiet reflection, to ‘be still and know that he is God’, that he is our Father and that he loves us.”


On a dark silent night, where the stars shone so bright
and a chorus of angels did sing, of a peace, love and joy
of a new baby boy, every bell in the heavens did ring.

To the ringing of bells and a stable of smells,
Just imagine the scene if you can.
Where the gnats and the flies, came as no great surprise,

To welcome our Lord, Son of Man.
In the silence of night, where the dark shone so bright,
Came the princes from distance afar
To worship the King, and with incense to bring,
On a journey that followed a star.

Did the donkey, the camel, the sheep and the goat,
Sing a chorus of love peace and joy?
Did they carry their story to herds far and wide,
That dear Mary had brought forth a boy?

The baby was Jesus the Son of our God
Oh, what glorious gifts did he bear
While resting his head on a straw filled bed
And love, peace and joy filled the air.