Elaine Waight and PACT's Chairman, Rev Ken Lynch.of Petworth's URC

Elaine Waight of Family Support Work, 17 May, Petworth

“FAMILY SUPPORT WORK EXISTS to help those families who struggle with life, particularly those who get lost in the system.”

So said Elaine Waight at the PACT (Petworth Area Churches Together) Spring Lecture. Elaine looks after Storrington and Petworth, with a further seven workers covering Hastings to Chichester.

Her work is faith based but not faith promoting.

A day could start with a visit to a family (one of 25 she cares for), even taking a child to school to give the mother a break; catching up with the mother who often needs a friend and a lifeline.

At some time the mother may need specialist help (health, social, education or whatever) so Elaine needs the skills to recognise both emotional and practical situations. The root problem is in a family where neither parents had any clear understanding of what a family is meant to be.

FSW volunteers are also crucial to her work and finding, vetting and training them is not easy. They help with outings and parties (birthdays/Christmas).  Any offers?

Gerald Gresham Cooke

Next meeting is with Jonathan Aitken on November 22 speaking on ‘From Power to Prison to Praise.’ Geraldgreshamcooke@gmail.com