A place for healing: Ellel Glyndley Manor, Pevensey

Healing service at

Glyndley Manor, Pevensey

Ellel Glyndley Manor has a specific role in the area of healing and wholeness. With other centres in the UK, the team at this little manor house has a particular vision to “bring the heart of God to the heart of man” with regular, healing meetings open to all who have a need.

The evening of Monday 11 January saw the first healing service of 2016. After praise and worship, the Director, Robert Steel, spoke on “Repentance”.

Using the message of John the Baptist, he challenged us with the question, “Do we have a repentant heart?” because only then, when we actively choose to turn away from the things that are sinful (attitudes or behaviours that are not what God would want), can true healing happen! The evening ended in a time of quiet reflection before the Lord. Guests were then free to talk things through with the prayer ministry team and receive prayer or enjoy the supper drinks in the cosy lounge downstairs!

Only when we actively choose to turn away from attitudes or behaviours that are not what God would want can true healing happen!

Not just physical healing takes place. One lady called Clementine comes every month. Her church is happy for her to come and she remarked, “Things do really shift in my life from coming here”. She also testifies to the heart of healing God has for his people.

Another guest called Steve commented on how he “feels closer to the Lord here, and that God has touched on some things which have been healed”.

Another lady who has been a Christian all her life said, “I’ve never understood what repentance was until tonight”.

Those of us on the team really feel that God is bringing his people closer to him.

What an encouragement at the start of this year; rather than a New Year’s Resolution, God has given us hope of change through repentance and help from the Holy Spirit!

Lucy Synenko

Healing services are held on the second Monday of every month. See Events section for Ellel events in Surrey and Sussex

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