A Catholic Archbishop has warned that Italy will become a Muslim country in a decade if they continue to liberalise and keep the country open to Muslim refugees.

Italian Archbishop Carlo Liberati said: “In ten years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity. Italy and Europe live in a pagan and atheist way; they make laws that go against God, and they have traditions that are proper (sic) of paganism… All of this moral and religious decadence favours Islam. We have a weak Christian faith. Parishes are the only thing still standing. We need a true Christian life. All this paves the way to Islam. In addition to this, they have children, and we do not.”

Italy has opened its doors to Muslim immigrants, taking in a third of a million the past two years alone. In the 1970s, Italy was home to just 2,000 Muslims. Today, the number exceeds two million.

The Catholic Church has done much to welcome refugees, but the Archbishop also criticised how elderly Italians are “eating from the trash” while the nation accepts a further five million foreign nationals. Youth unemployment remains a major problem.

(Catholic Online)