Our governing class has abandoned God, says leading campaigner for Christian freedoms

ELECTION SEASON 2015: it feels chaotic and bewildering. And it is.
Why? Because our governing class has abandoned God.
There is no political leadership which has in mind the fear of God and the pursuit of holiness. It is the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom.
The Church has largely failed to speak clearly of Jesus and his words and sent at best an unclear sound on the issues where truth is under attack in our nation; the protection of life, the pattern of family and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our nation.
Proverbs 29:2 reminds us that when the righteous thrive, the people rejoice, when the wicked rule, the people groan.
We are being ruled by the wicked but it is because God’s people have not loved Jesus sufficiently to confront the wicked.
And so now we have catastrophic policies which liberalise abortion, redefine family and punish Christians who speak openly of God’s pattern and purpose for life.
But we must not give up. We must cry out to God to do THE UNUSUAL in this election season. We must be VOCAL and VISIBLE and believe that he will act.
Let’s hold our leaders to account for where they have passed wicked laws. Let’s us, as the Church, humbly repent for not having spoken. Those that do not know God are blind. The Church is his voice: how disappointed he must be with us.
So let’s be present and purposeful in this election.
Let’s get in touch with our candidates to have a real impact. This is going to be a very close election. They want our vote, so they are more willing to listen. Contact them by email, go to their public meetings and local hustings, write to your local paper. Ask them where they stand on the really important issues: our Christian foundation, the place of family, the protection of life and the defence of Christian freedoms.
If this sounds intimidating, or you’ve not done it before, don’t worry. We’re in this together.
Let’s speak up together with one voice, for the honour of Christ and the good of our nation.
Christian Concern has resources to help voters at www.election2015.org.uk. They ask that you let them know what you find out