
Dunkirk spirit: queues formed to pray in May 1940 outside Westminster Abbey 

“Time is short” to pray for “torn-apart” Britain

8 September 2017 is 77 years after the National Prayer Day that led to victory in the Battle of Britain

Hundreds have signed up to take part in a National Day of Prayer called for 8 September.

Together with Pastors Roy and Brenda Taylor and Pastor Dennis Greenidge, evangelist David Hathaway has booked Westminster’s Emmanuel Centre for a day of fasting and prayer.

He told supporters: “We are calling a great Day of Prayer for Theresa May, Brexit, the unity of the UK – and especially – prayer for the nation to turn back to God and the Bible!”

The decision to call for the day came during three days of prayer and fasting at a regular conference held by Pastors Roy and Brenda Taylor in Torquay.  David Hathaway claims that time is running out: “After the election, the terrorist attacks and the Grenfell Tower fire, our nation is in distress, being torn apart as never before.”

The date is seen as significant as 8 September 1940 was the National Prayer Day that led to victory in the Battle of Britain. King George VI had called for a series of National Days of Prayer and the nation had prayed in May that year for the Dunkirk evacuation.

The release of the new film ‘Dunkirk’ is also seen as no coincidence; it was highlighted on Revelation TV’s Politics Show as a powerful reminder of what a small group of rescuers can do to save a nation.

Within two weeks of the day being announced, over 400 had registered.

Brenda Taylor points out that on 8 September it will be 77 years since the 1940 prayer day and the current biblical year is 5777, also seen as significant.

David Hathaway has already seen success in the Ukraine with a national prayer day, which senior church leaders attended. Although he does not think that this can be repeated in Britain yet, he believes this day will be the first of many.