Tweeting the Word
WORSHIP DIRECTOR Chris Juby, aged 30, of King’s Church in Durham has successfully tweeted summaries of every Bible chapter since August 20, 2010. He finished with the last chapter of…
Sharing Christian news across the nation
WORSHIP DIRECTOR Chris Juby, aged 30, of King’s Church in Durham has successfully tweeted summaries of every Bible chapter since August 20, 2010. He finished with the last chapter of…
WORLD FAMOUS EVANGELIST Myles Munroe died along with his wife Ruth and others when a Lear 36 Executive jet struck a crane at the Grand Bahama ship yard. The group…
THIS BABY has brought unexpected joy to his mum after she had a change of mind – despite taking the first pill that would have killed her baby son.
The UKIP victory in Rochester has sent a tsunami on its way to Westminster… TSUNAMIS BEGIN FAR OUT in the ocean where a disturbance in the seabed causes a series…
Too often, it seems, we can get prayer for healing in church, experience pain relief from a chronic condition, then next day feel the same or worse than before? How…
A PRIVATE PROSECUTION has been brought by a Brighton-based pro-life campaigner against two doctors who allegedly offered to kill two different unborn children in separate incidents due to their gender.
HEART subscriber David Rawlings has written a short story for Christmas: ‘The Visitor from Space’ The spacecraft touched gently down. A slim, white figure glided down a ramp onto the…