Pastor shot dead in Mexico
A Mexican pastor has been gunned down nine years after his son was also shot and killed.
Indian state promises to repeal anti-conversion law
The state of Arunachal Pradesh in north-east India intends to reverse a 1978 law which bans converting from one religion to another.
The gender hot potato
Clear-thinking academics give invaluable ammunition for the battles to come The New Normal: The Transgender Agenda By Lisa Severine Nolland, Carys Moseley, Carlos D Flores et al Wilberforce Publications ISBN:…
How to tell strangers about Jesus
Witty and gripping adventures with the Holy Spirit Shout it from the Housetops By John Wright The Branch Press ISBN 978-0-9528865-1-8
Supreme Court sides with pro-life centres
Back to the future: the US Supreme Court’s decisions are favouring free speech and the unborn Pro-life campaigners are celebrating a decision by the US Supreme Court which supports freedom…
Conservative Anglicans defy Archbishop and call for discipline
Welby challenged to find Curry’s creed indigestible