By Tim Vince

Perhaps the need to keep children at home during the pandemic has softened the media’s usually negative attitude to Christian homeschooling.

Whatever the reason, in September there was a welcome change in the narrative.

I was given freedom to describe biblical education as a tradition that goes
back 4,000 years

I was delighted to contribute to a recent BBC Radio Wales broadcast of the long-standing Sunday programme ‘All Things Considered’ (6 September). I thought that the show was unusually open to both Christian education and homeschooling.

As director of the The European Academy For Christian Homeschooling (TEACH), I was given freedom to describe biblical education as a tradition that goes back 4,000 years. Our
approach starts with the perspective that we are created in God’s image, encouraging
children to honour God.

This was the most complete BBC production presenting a positive case for Christian schooling that I’ve encountered. The key elements of providing a biblical foundation for life, acknowledging God as Creator and protecting children, among other things, came across clearly.

It’s a common allegation that Christian homeschooling shelters children from teaching on Darwinian evolution. I told the listeners about the new science guides that not only cover the National Curriculum, but also provide a biblical perspective – something missing from Government-funded secular schools. I believe a quality Christian education is far more wide-ranging than the typical narrow ideology of a secular school.