Now based in the US, Nabeel Qureshi is facing his biggest battle since leaving Islam

The writer of bestseller ‘Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus’ has announced that he is suffering from a severe cancer.

Nabeel  Qureshi, whose conversion to Christianity was the subject of that first book, has just seen his latest, ‘No God But One: Allah or Jesus?’, also reach the New York Times Bestseller List.

However, he was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer in August. The announcement was shared and viewed by 1.7 million people on Facebook.

His own comment was: “In the past few days my spirits have soared and sank as I pursue the Lord’s will and consider what the future might look like, but never once have I doubted this: that Jesus is Lord, his blood has paid my ransom, and by his wounds I am healed.”

In ‘No God but One: Allah or Jesus?’ the author recounts anecdotes from his life and ministry, comments on current events and examines the histories of Christianity and Islam.

His publisher Zondervan and fans are praying for his healing.