By Richard Roe

BOOK review

As a journalist of more than 40 years, I am well used to deadlines. But I take my hat off to fellow writer Richard Roe for daring to tackle the ultimate deadline.

In this excellent book, endorsed by famous preacher RT Kendall, he addresses a subject most of us try all our lives to avoid – what happens when we die.

Basically, Roe’s thesis is that Jesus’ resurrection has dealt with man’s greatest enemy. But at the same time the author pulls no punches, asserting that Jesus is the only way to heaven and the only means of avoiding hell.

The author pulls no punches, asserting that Jesus is the only way to heaven

The author ably demonstrates how Jesus fulfils the Jewish (Old Testament) Scriptures – for example, showing how Moses’ bronze serpent on a pole for those suffering snake-bite foreshadowed the ‘healing’ of our sin and sickness by Jesus, for “by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

It may be a taboo subject not suited to livening up a party, but the book is a clear and beautiful presentation of the Gospel that tells us Jesus has paid the price for our sins, which would otherwise condemn us to everlasting torment.

Roe’s reasoning is intelligent, sound and practical, but essentially biblical, concluding that the Word of God holds the key to the hereafter.

Review by Charles Gardner

Published by: Zaccmedia, 2014

ISBN-10: 1909824550

ISBN-13: 978-1909824553