Blood moon. Photo credit:

Sundown 3 October to sundown 4 October

Day of Atonement

Sundown 8 October to sundown 15 October

Feast of Tabernacles (and ‘blood moon’)

Signs of the times

The pastor whose book ‘Blood Moons’ explains the biblical links between cosmic phenomena such as eclipses and events on Earth, says that the current series of lunar alignments ending in 2015 is not a coincidence but a sign from God.

The next event in what is known as a “Blood Moons tetrad,” a series of four blood moons occurring in 2014 and 2014 on biblical holy days, will be October 8, the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles.

“I always thought God created the sun and the moon for light or heat. But when I read Genesis 1:14, it says he created the sun and the moon for signs,” said Pastor Mark Biltz.

“I found out about the feasts of the Lord. And I realised they weren’t the Jewish feasts, they were the Lord’s feasts! God doesn’t want us to miss the appointments. He always warns us before he brings judgment. In Daniel, it says one of the things the Antichrist tries to do is change the times and seasons. That’s referring to the feast days, to God’s appointed times when he’s going to intersect human history.”

Biltz used NASA’s Eclipse website to correlate the celestial events, discovering the four blood-moon eclipses in 2014 and 2015 actually coincide with the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles.  “According to NASA, over 5,000 years you only average one total lunar eclipse every year and a half, and here we have four within a year and a half, and they’re falling on feast days,” Biltz explained. “The last time it happened was when Israel recaptured Jerusalem in 1967 and 1968, and the next date was right after Israel became a nation in 1948.”

What will happen when the current string of blood moons runs its course? Perhaps nothing, Pastor Mark Biltz admitted to the studio audience on Sid Roth’s ‘It’s supernatural!’ programme, but people nonetheless need to be watching and listening to God and “get on his biblical calendar.”