Patrick celebrates his healing with sister Natalie and parents Adrian and Trish CoxPatrick celebrates his healing with sister Natalie and parents Adrian and Trish Cox

Image: Patrick celebrates his healing with sister Natalie and parents Adrian and Trish Cox

A BOY WHO HAD DEVELOPED A KNEE CONDITION which seriously curtailed his sporting activity has been baptised by full immersion after he’d experienced a dramatic healing.

Patrick Cox, 12, had developed Osgood Schlatters disease which showed in a painful lump below his knee and prevented his running more than five minutes, without considerable pain and incapacity. 

But at a Christian family camp last summer, he responded to a ‘word of knowledge’ in a healing and deliverance meeting. The preacher, Nigel Thompson of the Raising a Standard Bible Week ministry team, prayed for Patrick.

Next morning, Patrick found that he could straighten his leg so he was thrilled to be restored to full mobility.

Sharing this testimony in front of family and friends at Knockholt Evangelical Church, Kent, on 11 October, Patrick admitted that although he had grown up in a Christian home and been Christian all through primary school, he had ‘drifted away’ from his faith at secondary school under pressure, of being “cool”. A key verse for him was Matthew 28:20: “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Patrick’s parents, Adrian and Trish Cox, celebrated Patrick’s baptism over lunch for the whole church afterwards and said:”This has been a marvellous day in Patrick’s life and we give all the thanks and praise to the Lord for healing his knee and for bringing him to this point of Baptism. “

Natalie, Patrick’s sister added, “I actually got baptised in a lake at the Raising a Standard Family Bible week two years ago and thank God for all he has done in my life, too! Patrick’s baptism was a great occasion.”