In 2016, before the EU referendum, HEART featured a prophecy given through David Noakes stating clearly that the Lord wanted Britain out of the EU.

Why? Because the EU is not just humanistic and secular – it has adverse spiritual roots. I have covered this in a booklet ‘After Brexit’.
As an accountant and auditor in practice for many years, the fact that the EU accounts have failed every audit, every year, should ring alarm bells.
The Lord we love and serve hates unrighteousness, yet in the EU and in business it has
become endemic. From deliberately falsified emissions readings in cars, to bribery, to failing to alert customers to better offers, to harvesting data without permission – the list goes on.
The Bible warns of coming judgement concerning unrighteous trade in Revelation 17 and 18. Unfortunately our churches have, as Clifford points out, abdicated responsibility and seem to be no longer recognising that Scripture is good for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Thus they have nothing of value or of truth to contribute.
I was instrumental in designing the ‘Transformed Working Life’ course for the International Christian Chamber of Commerce and in every country we taught it, we had the same response: “Why don’t we hear this in our churches?”
The course emphasised hearing God speak in life and business – because that is the essential ingredient for faith, and God counts faith as righteousness. Much blessing followed every course and the gifts of the Spirit flowed.
The Lord God wants his people to be blessed and to prosper, as promised in the prophecy from David Noakes. The prophecy being duly weighed and tested by others, we can be certain leaving the EU will bring blessing to the nation. We must, of course, run our lives and businesses in righteousness – acting righteously, being committed to the Lord and seeking and receiving his help as he speaks to us.
Indeed, in business I have seen many occasions on which the Lord has given specific guidance and provided his assistance, because he loves his people with the deepest of love: “I know the plans I have for you, to give you a future and a hope.”
The times are going to get much tougher; whether we leave or stay in the EU, we will be in a period when the ruling forces of world government are setting out to destroy unrighteous trade (as stated in Revelation 17) and there will be turmoil. I believe this process is already starting with trade wars beginning to break out. We need to walk closely with the Lord.
Peter Michell
Free booklets by Peter Michell including the ‘Transformed Working Life’ series of 11 booklets, ‘After Brexit’ and ‘The end is not quite yet’ are available from Amazon by typing his name in the search box. A printed copy costs £4. All the booklets are also available as free pdf downloads from: