California is well known as one of the most liberal states in the US, but now that tolerance has turned to intolerance.

The California State Assembly has passed a resolution forcing church leaders to endorse LGBT ideology.

Assemblyman Evan Low, the first openly gay Asian-American mayor, has led the campaign to order pastors to affirm homosexuality, regardless of their biblical beliefs. The resolution also condemns the counselling for unwanted same-sex attraction known as conversion therapy, which Mr Low has been campaigning against for over a year.

The measure passed with the help of Dr Kevin Mannoia, a university chaplain and former head of the National Association of Evangelicals.

Religious freedom organisation Liberty Counsel says Mannoia “has become a prop for the LGBT agenda”. Ironically he is Founder and Chair of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium.

The resolution now heads to the state senate.

Meanwhile California has suffered increasingly frequent earthquakes. At the time of going to press, the highest this year was recorded as 7.1 on 4 July, American Independence Day, in Ridgecrest.