Israel news in brief
Palestine pledge Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry used a Labour Friends of Palestine and Middle East fringe meeting at the party’s Brighton conference to pledge that the first priority of…
Sharing Christian news across the nation
Palestine pledge Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry used a Labour Friends of Palestine and Middle East fringe meeting at the party’s Brighton conference to pledge that the first priority of…
Church leaders adopt anti-Semitic stance against those to whom they owe everything CAPE TOWN, October 18 2019 – South Africa’s Anglican Church has nailed its anti-Semitic colours to the mast.…
Celebrating 30 years since the fall of Communism, which opened the way for ‘imprisoned’ Jews to return to Israel by Charles Gardner DONCASTER, October 18, 2019 – The immigration to…
New play records trauma of family break-up by Charles Gardner LONDON, September 20, 2019 – Amidst the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Britain, the mood is becoming increasingly reminiscent of…
So could the gospel if only it was broadcast more widely By Charles Gardner LONDON, July 19, 2019 – In the midst of a grave political crisis, it was a…
Pray he will follow our Queen in acknowledging a far greater authority By Charles Gardner LONDON, JULY 26, 2019 – As a Christian who believes in God’s great eternal purposes…
Working on the frontline of the global battle to rescue Jews from persecution is not for the faint-hearted. But former headteacher, lecturer and pastor Fred Wright will stop at nothing…
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