Category: Letters

Jesus’ titles

When reading the Bible, do you notice when the words ‘Lord’, ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ are used in different combinations? The Bible is a precise book. Next time you read them,…

True Sabbath

The Sabbath was first given to the Israelites only as one of the Ten Commandments (Letters, June/July). Now Jewish and Gentile believers are not under the Old Covenant. Nowhere did…

Is worship necessary?

“Is religious worship necessary?” asked a recent contributor to my local paper, the Worthing Herald. “A being which has absolutely no ego does not require constant worship and glorification.” On…

Baby victims

Apparently unborn babies who died in the Grenfell Tower disaster two months before birth are victims, according to the BBC’s Lucy Manning (BBC TV news, 14 June). So are aborted…

Pray for May

I was surprised and concerned by the ‘Brexit Bombshell’ article (June/July), which seemed highly unethical and rather dangerous. The author has no actual proof of what he has been told…