Category: Letters


HEART’s letters page provides a forum for Christian opinion. Only concise letters of up to 100 words giving your name and town are likely to be printed. Longer letters are…


HEART’s letters page provides a forum for Christian opinion. Only concise letters of up to 100 words giving your name and town are likely to be printed. Longer letters are…


Church mustn’t cower in corner Recently our church promoted HEART from the front as we want to get behind the Turn the Tide campaign. However, I was disappointed to read…


Trump’s gumption Donald Trump has cancelled his UK visit to cut the ribbon on the new US embassy and good for him. Few politicians today possess Donald Trump’s gumption; he…


Deadline for the February/March 2018 letters: 8 January 2017 Email: Ilford ‘revival’ What is being experienced in the Ilford church is not revival but the joy of salvation (Oct/Nov…