Peers block threat to liberty STREET PREACHERS and buskers alike can breathe a sigh of relief. Threats to free speech have been allayed by a House of Lords move to…
Sharing Christian news across the nation
The national news from around the nation.
Peers block threat to liberty STREET PREACHERS and buskers alike can breathe a sigh of relief. Threats to free speech have been allayed by a House of Lords move to…
Clive Price reports PRINCE CHARLES has joined a chorus of cries “that is sounding louder and louder in the UK” on behalf of the suffering Church, says Barnabas Fund International…
Campaigners concerned over Bill that “shackles” charities GOVERNMENT ministers must rethink controversial measures that threaten to curb charities’ campaigning power.
Behind the scenes of hit series “The Bible” Nearly 50 snakes had to be cleared from the foot of the cross during the filming of a crucifixion scene for a…
If you have an iPad or iPhone and children age 2-7, they’ll love the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ app.
Nearly 4,000 husbands and wives have signed up to say “We will!” again PRO-MARRIAGE CAMPAIGNERS are more than on track to smash the world record for the number of couples…
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