Friends in high places
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is pictured here with Rt Rev Dr Yousaf Nadeem Bhinder, left, at the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast this June. With them is Bishop Nadeem’s son, Roekh…
Faith, family, flag, freedom: traditional Conservatism makes a comeback
Rachel Cary attended an un-woke conference
THE outpouring started with a handful of students gathering for a prayer meeting with staff at Hughes Auditorium in Asbury University, Wilmore, Kentucky on 8 February.
Martin’s miracle mission trip
If HEART readers in Bexhill and Hastings ever wonder why their usual distributor, Martin West, hasn’t brought papers to their churches, it’s because Martin is responding to an even higher…
Guided safely into port
Maritime pilot Ben McDermott often strikes up conversations with the international crews of the ships he guides safely into port.