If you have youngsters to amuse this summer, try these books road-tested by primary teacher Biddy Hooper with her daughter, 5, and son, 4

50 Zappiest Bible Stories
by Andy Robb

CWR, £5.99.
ISBN: 978-1-78259-690-5

I would use this book with children aged 8 upwards. I like the way stories are made relevant to today and there is background information to each story which helps put it in context and make it more understandable.

It’s very compact so would take a competent reader to tackle it independently but as a book to share with parents or Sunday School teachers it could be a great discussion point and make the Bible more accessible to young people. I like the way that the expectation is to read the stories alongside the Bible so that it makes the Bible more exciting to children.

The stories are very dotted around so children could get a bit muddled with the chronology of the actual Bible if this book of stories was read cover to cover.            

Pens Sticker Books: God’s Wonderful World and Let Your Light Shine

Both CWR, £4.99.
ISBN: 978-1-78259-731-5


ISBN: 978-1-78259-732-2

Both loved the colourful stickers and were eager to stick them in the books. The five year old couldn’t understand why there were only designated spaces for some of the stickers and couldn’t deal with the freedom of being able to stick them anywhere! She read the verses but didn’t really engage with the theme of the pages as they didn’t follow a story.

The four year old just stuck the stickers all over the place and had no interest in the book’s biblical content, but both children were occupied for an hour!

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