MEN AND WOMEN FROM ERITREA who fled their homeland due to Christian persecution are being kept in Egyptian prisons following the chaos of the Arab Spring and tormented by radical Muslims.

The catalogue of torture crimes against Christian Eritrean refugees in the Sinai Peninsula, following the Egyptian revolution, defies description.

Reports include parents beaten in front of children, rapes of both sexes, forced labour, and imprisonment without food. Torture methods range from breaking fingers, to pouring hot molten wax on the backs of victims during forced phone calls to relatives to beg for ransom money. The tormentors believe the relatives are more likely to pay if they hear their loved ones screaming in agony.

The Muslim extremists have been held noted as responsible for kidnapping Eritrean refugees from UN displacement camps and even police stations and trafficking them.

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: “It is heart-breaking to hear about the terrible suffering that our Eritrean brothers and sisters are undergoing in Egyptian prisons.”