by Jayne Stevens

EXCITING TIMES lie ahead for the Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre.  Our ‘two not so new’ Chaplains (now six months into their calling here at Crowhurst) embrace a clear vision for the future of the centre. 

Both Senior Chaplain Steve Gendall and Deputy Chaplain Steve Clark have been busy meeting with local clergy and have received some invitations to preach in their churches on the Christian Healing Ministry.  Working with those a little further afield, our ‘Great Expectations’ Conference at the centre in conjunction with the Diocese of Rochester was held on 31 May  – 2 June with guest speakers including the Rt Rev James Langstaff.

We have seen an increase in people wanting prayer ministry, to know more about what the Centre does and the Christian Healing Ministry in general.  Our Vision Statement sums this up clearly: ‘The Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre is a non-denominational, residential place with a vision to continue the healing, preaching and teaching ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, both at the Centre and in the wider context of the Church of Christ.’

Along with our Trustees, Associate Chaplain Penny Button and dedicated ministry team, we have 230 Prayer Partners (beloved Prayer Warriors) praying daily for every aspect of the Centre and a daily prayer (intercession) list, whereby people can phone in. We also have our visiting chaplains, Quiet Day and Teaching Day leaders and volunteers; overall a very comprehensive and united team.

Our annual Thanksgiving Day falls on Saturday 20 July this year.  It will be a day of joyful celebration and all are welcome; there is no charge for the day.  Bring a picnic lunch, which you can enjoy in our beautiful gardens or in the marquee. Drinks will be provided.  We do hope you will be able to join us for this special day – please phone the office on 01424 830 033 for more details.

If you would like to keep updated on what we do at the Centre, retreats/events and how God is working here, you can keep in touch by joining our mailing list – you will receive our seasonal magazine which will keep you up to date with all the activities. Or you can visit our website at, you can like our lively Facebook Page or perhaps even Tweet us @CrowhurstCHC.

Weekly Healing services (open to the public) are held on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm and on Thursday mornings at 10.15am.  For those folk who regularly visit, you will know that the Centre has been here for over 80 years; for those yet to visit, we welcome you, we encourage you, we would love for you to come see for yourself and to be part of the vision and excitement of the Centre as the Lord carries us forward.

Jayne Stevens is Crowhurst’s Office Administrator and is closely involved with all its activities