rosary and face mask on top of a biblePhoto by RDNE Stock project on

Medical experts asked the Church to offer healing to society from the terrible damage caused

By Laura Brett

Shortly before the Archbishop of Canterbury resigned, a group of doctors had called on the Church to repent of its unethical response to the Covid-19 crisis. The Church had promoted the lockdowns and vaccination programme that have caused catastrophic and avoidable harm. Most churches followed the guidance of the Church of England or Evangelical Alliance and closed their doors or only opened as vaccine centres, hailing the experimental therapy as the ‘saviour’. Archbishop Welby encouraged people to get vaccinated as that is supposedly what Jesus would do – but the use of aborted foetal cells in the development and/or testing of the vaccines was ignored; those who spoke up were attacked, ridiculed and silenced.

“We pray the Church will be a place where the injured and bereaved can receive the physical, emotional and spiritual healing they urgently need”

The call to repent came in a meeting held on Zoom on 30 October, attended by church leaders and heads of ministries from different denominations. Medical experts asked for help from the Church in healing society and individuals from the terrible damage caused by social isolation, with the elderly left to die alone, and young people mentally harmed. They called on the Church to seek justice and compensation for those injured and bereaved. Speakers were Dr Liz Evans (former GP and CEO of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance), Dr Clare Craig (diagnostic pathologist and co-chair Health Advisory and Recovery Team) and Professor Angus Dalgleish (Emeritus Professor of Oncology, University of London), who has written frequently for the Daily Mail. Dr Liz Evans said: “We pray the Church will be a place where the injured and bereaved can receive the physical, emotional and spiritual healing they urgently need.”

Evangelist Laura BrettIn a subsequent article for The Conservative Woman, Dr Liz Evans wrote: “The failure of the Church to push back on the mandating of masks (a powerful symbol of fear and oppression that has no place in a church), anti-social distancing and banning of singing in church was shocking. The Bible tells us to judge a tree by its fruits, and the fruits of so many Covid policies were isolation, cruelty, pain and suffering.” She added: “Antivaxxers became social pariahs, blasphemers of the false idol. The ongoing vaccine ritual (returning to revaccinate every 4-6 months) is a pseudo-religious sacrament that flies in the face of evidence that the vaccinated keep getting Covid!”
(Photo – Images of social distancing shown at a meeting in the House of Commons)

The online meeting followed a private Westminster gathering for over 100 Church leaders, heads of Christian ministry and other influential figures in October 2023, to educate them about the developing dangers of the Covid-19 ‘vaccination’ programme. The event was hosted by the leaders of the Cheshire and Harrogate Filling Stations, and speakers included former MP Andrew Bridgen, medical doctors and statisticians who provided robust evidence surrounding the medical fraud.

Evangelist Laura BrettLaura Brett is an evangelist, qualified midwife, mother of three and author of ‘Losing Liberty, Finding Freedom’. Laura and her husband Rob lead The Filling Station in Harrogate. She is also an international speaker and activist who has worked both in business and for various charities in a leadership and management capacity. A short, edited recording of the meeting that can be shared with church leaders is available on X: (posted on 1 November) and on, titled ‘Church Leaders Call for Action in Covid Response – 30th October 2024

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