Pastor Dale Barrett and his wife Joy, leaders of Living Word Church, Bexhill

by Martin West

My church, Living Word, is a small Pentecostal Assemblies of God church in Bexhill, a town often referred to as “heaven’s waiting room” because it has the distinction of hosting the UK’s oldest population.

We decided this was all the more reason to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ and did just that this September when 11 evangelists from ‘Through Faith Missions’ came from all over the UK to join us in a five day outreach mission named “Anchor of Hope” (taken from Hebrews 6:19).

The morning after a commissioning service, the evangelists went out in pairs with church members to knock on Bexhill’s doors. Over two days, they knocked on 654 doors.

Of those who were in when visited, 122 completed a short four question survey. The survey’s last question was, “Would you like to know God personally?”

Interestingly, 53 answered “Yes” and 35 were “Unsure”, so the pairs happily shared the good news of the Gospel.

Consequently we know of four salvations, while many others were prayed for and some came to church the following Sunday. Living Word also hosted a well-attended quiz night, movie night, men’s breakfast and Gospel music concert.

I believe that the angels in heaven are rejoicing, and so is our church, but we’re asking for prayers with the large amount of follow-up and discipling ahead.

Martin West has been the distributor for HEART newspapers to Bexhill, Hastings and St Leonard’s for several years. He is also the very committed local Street Pastors Co-ordinator and organises other local ministry events. If you could help lighten his load by delivering a few papers to churches, please contact or phone 01903 209383