August Bank Holiday weekend, near Newquay, saw up to 300 believers come together to ask God to visit the South-west. The conference was hosted by Roy and Brenda Taylor, until recently pastors in Nuneaton, who have been led to relocate to Cornwall. They had invited evangelist David Hathaway to address the meetings, while their daughter Juliet Dawn led worship with local musicians. Brenda Taylor takes up the story

We had come together with hungry hearts to ask the Lord to visit the South-west with power – a fresh move of the Holy Spirit.

David Hathaway inspired us to understand more how we need this dynamic to meet the needs of the hour. He has seen many thousands come to Christ and many miraculous healings; he knows this has only been achieved because people come to SEE as well as hear the claims of the Gospel. The Lord had given a vision of how he wanted his presence manifest among his people, and we sought to be faithful to what was given.

As we met, and worshipped from our hearts, the Holy Spirit’s presence came and many were given words and pictures to lead us step by step nearer to the glory. On Saturday afternoon we went outside on the field, and formed a heart shape, for we know it is only the mercy of the Lord’s heart that can bring hope for our nation. It was a beautiful moment.

It was on Saturday evening that as folk knelt at the altar a fresh fire was imparted, and it felt as though something new had been birthed for this season. On the Sunday morning, there was a call for the men to rise up and take their place. Again, something very powerful was happening in the Spirit, and as the brothers prayed for one another, we knew the Lord was pleased.

Many faithful intercessors have prepared the area for restoration, and as we prayed from 2 Chronicles 5-7 and sang ‘For the Lord is good, and his mercy endures for ever’ and remembered 2 Chronicles 7:14, we believed that we will once more live to see God’s faithfulness in the land of the living, maybe the final move before Christ returns….? The matter is urgent, as millions are in ‘the valley of decision’.

We are waiting on the Lord, as many have asked “Where do we go from here?” If this resonates with your heart, and you would like to be informed of any future events regarding these issues, please e-mail

David Hathaway will be holding a weekend of meetings in Brighton this October. See the advert in the Events section