St Nicholas Church in Bristol will be refurbished and its work financed for six years at a cost of £3.8 million
St Nicholas Church in Bristol will be refurbished and its work financed for six years at a cost of £3.8 million


The Church of England is relaunching a Bristol church, closed for over 60 years, as an outreach to young people St Nicholas Church in the centre of Bristol will reopen this autumn under Rev Toby Flint, who is currently the lead pastor at London’s Holy Trinity Brompton (popularly known as HTB, where the Alpha evangelism course began).


Young people

The church will aim to connect with young people, as 60 per cent of the people in the city centre are aged between 15 and 29.

St Nicholas was bombed in World War Two and closed as a church after the war. It was leased to the council, first as a museum, then as a Tourist Information Centre and until recently as offices.