Rachel Hickson at Westergate Revival , Westergate Community School, 17 May

Passionate and powerful: Rachel Hickson’s message of zeal
Passionate and powerful: Rachel Hickson’s message of zeal

PEOPLE TRY TO PUT OUT PASSION in their Christian lives, but we must be passionate and zealous for our families and loved ones.  This was Rachel Hickson’s energetic, powerful and passionate message to local Christians.

Speaking on the Friday between the Feast of Shavuot (the original Pentecost) and Pentecost Sunday, she cried “God loves the cry of urgent desperation – ‘meet me Lord!’”

Running on overdrive, trying to make it through, we don’t want to take the time to seek him or listen to the cry in our own hearts.  But we must soak in his presence.

People try and put out passion in the Christian life, but we must break the barren ground, cry out for our families, be PASSIONATE and, yes, zealous.  That is when the breakthroughs happen and we see the signs and wonders, the everyday-life-is-changed answer to the cry of the heart.

Carole Woodiwis

Next Westergate Revival meeting is 10 July with Paul Jones (see Events section)