After an X-rated drag queen was invited to read to children at a Scottish school, a politician praised the event and called objecting parents “homophobic”.

SNP MP Mhairi Black also mocked those who objected as the same “people who run out to buy their kids the latest Grand Theft Auto”. Children as young as four attended the event at the Glencoates Primary School in Paisley which featured ‘Flowjob’ – an ‘adult’ entertainer who publishes sexually explicit posts on social media.

The local council apologised when made aware of Flowjob’s social media pages, but the school’s headteacher defended the drag queen’s February visit. According to local media, parents were not informed in advance of the event.

A spokesperson for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) told LifeSiteNews that this is a “chilling example of the perverse indoctrination agenda being foisted upon innocent young children” which, they claim, is “nothing more than state sponsored child abuse”.