Bibles burned by Hindu extremists in Telangana state, India

Bibles burned by Hindu extremists in Telangana state, India


Opposition to the Christian faith is on the rise in India, as shown by a recent Bible burning episode.

In Telangana state in southern India on 21 January, Hindu extremists threatened elderly Bible distributors with physical violence and then stole their Bibles and burned them.

The Christians, working with Gideons International, told Morning Star News that the Hindus in Singotam village told them: “From now on, if any of you distribute Bibles, we will attack you brutally [till your genitalia are damaged]. How dare you promote Christianity?”

Their account is corroborated by the extremists’ own video of the attack, which shows the group harassing the Christians and one of the group sneaking into their car, taking the keys and throwing the Bibles out, which the group then began kicking before they poured fuel on the Scriptures and set them alight.

The last year has been “one of the most traumatic” years of persecution for Christians, according to a report by the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) in February.