Jason Carter, author and radio presenter, ‘somewhere in Sussex’, 4 November

Jason Carter is warning the Church to wake up and prepare
Jason Carter is warning the Church to wake up and prepare

This was an intimate gathering of around 30 of us in the basement of a large house in a Sussex village, invited to hear Jason Carter, a likeable young man who looks far too young to be telling his elders how biblical prophecy is coming alive today. Jason, a pastoral leader at Life Church in Folkestone, founded by Robert Maasbach, was invited because his books have sold in their thousands.

This subterranean salon felt like a forerunner for future Chinese-style underground meetings when churches could be regulated and pastors must submit their sermons in advance. Were I to print everything that was said at this meeting, it could cause respectable churches to ask us not to deliver any more papers due to its ‘extreme’ views, ie that Jesus is coming back soon and the Church needs to wake up and prepare for revival and a one-world government. Oh, and that Brexit was a Good Thing because it put a spanner in the globalists’ dark works, but we’re still being softened up for the microchip with contactless payment methods.

After a short time of worship singing led by Grenville Richard Harding, Jason explained candidly how he’d been woken up with a powerful vision in 2009 that caused him to write letters to the Queen, Prime Minister and Archbishop of Canterbury to warn them of the danger of staying in the European Union. Part of his remit was also to write two books, the first being ‘Trumpet Blast Warning’.  He is also a speaker and a presenter of the End Time Hour on Eternal Radio. His website (trumpetblastwarning.co.uk) says that he had 1271 hits in 5 days.

He says, “There’s a moving and a shaking taking place across our planet like never before. With every passing day the lines between biblical end time prophecy and current news blur. I firmly believe we are approaching a time of trouble that mirrors the great tribulation as prophesied in scripture.”

While Jason looks like what he is, a godly young husband and father who has been a Christian since the age of seven, he admitted that he is accused by some Christians of writing conspiracy theories.

But Jason has evidence for his assertions that world leaders and ‘corrupt politicians’ have been meeting secretly and engaging in occult practices and there is a chapter in his book on this. (The search can begin when you type ‘Bohemian Grove’ into your internet).

His sincerity and evident closeness to God were in no doubt, however, and he urged us to work on our own relationship with God. “When Jesus returns, it’ll be too late to be caught like one of the maidens without oil in your lamp. There won’t be time to call your pastor for advice. You need a solid foundation of the Bible and trust in God now.”

It was a gripping evening. During the question time afterwards, I recalled that this type of talk used to induce a delicious frisson because it seemed so far away (remember Barry Smith’s warnings of a cashless society in the 1970s?). Now it seems to be around the corner and I looked with interest at the section of Jason’s website which floats a vision for sustainable Christian communities. Forget the manicure; it will involve a lot of vegetable growing and probably endless DIY.

Melanie Symonds

If you’ve been to any life-changing meetings recently, send a report of up to 300 words and clearly captioned photos (three maximum) as jpgs (not embedded in the document), as soon as possible after the event to editorial@heartpublications.co.uk