Terry Griffiths was in and out of prison in his late teens, but now, at 61, he sings and plays guitar to residents in care homes around Worthing.

After his troubled youth, Terry came to faith in 1987 and realised that God wanted to use his

Terry Griffiths now sings for the elderly

love of singing. “I felt God give me the idea of ‘Wheels of Worship’ – taking the church to people who can’t get there.”

But visiting the housebound had to wait until he moved to Worthing 20 years later and had started working part-time in a home improvement store.

Now he leads Sunday services in a couple of homes and performs during the week, too. His main repertoire on weekdays is secular songs, but he always tries to include some hymns. “For some, that’s the only church input they get,” he says.

“A moment I’ll never forget was after I sang for a lady who hadn’t left her room for two years since her husband died. When she passed away I sang ‘Amazing Grace’ at her funeral.”