Loving the Jews

El Salvador’s new president – their youngest ever – is not only of Palestinian descent, but is also pro-Israel. And 37-year-old Nayib Bukele is proud of his wife’s Jewish roots. Meanwhile a Gazan Arab brought up to hate Jews has learnt to love them since becoming a born-again Christian. But his identity is being protected as his life is in danger.

Mass exodus

The city of Grenoble in Eastern France has lost half the regular members of its Jewish community in the past 15 years due to anti-Semitism, according to their rabbi. And Fred Wright, who is helping persecuted Jews wishing to immigrate to Israel, says there has been a 68 per cent worldwide increase in anti-Semitism over the past nine months.

UK-Israel trade agreement

Britain and Israel have signed an agreement that simplifies trade and allows businesses to trade “as freely as they do now” post-Brexit.

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox said: “Britain’s relationship with Israel is stronger than it has ever been with record levels of bilateral cooperation in trade and investment between our two nations.”

Journalist tortured

A Palestinian journalist has been tortured and many of his colleagues arrested as part of unremitting intimidation and harassment of their own media by West Bank and Gaza Strip authorities.

Sinking feeling

Iran, which has long vowed to wipe Israel off the map, is in serious geographic danger itself following reports of massive sinkholes spreading around the country in the wake of a 30-year drought.