The Wunderlich FamilyThe Wunderlich Family

The four Wunderlich children today, after being reunited with their parents

A German Christian couple whose children were taken away by the state is taking the fight for home schooling to the top human rights court of Europe.

Over 30 police officers and social workers raided their home

Home schooling is illegal in Germany and in 2013 over 30 police officers and social workers raided their home and marched their children away. The boy and three girls have since been returned to their parents, but the Wunderlichs are fighting on in order to ensure they don’t face further sanctions in Germany for home schooling their children.

The family has asked the European Court of Human Rights to refer their case to the Grand Chamber, after the Fifth Chamber earlier ruled that the parents’ rights had not been violated.

Father Dirk Wunderlich said: “The previous ruling was very disheartening for our family and the many families affected by this in Germany.

“We are hopeful that the Grand Chamber will see the ways we tried, for many years, to engage with the authorities, and the completely disproportionate action they ultimately took.”