Gary Guillon used to be a daredevil driver until a near-fatal near-miss showed him that a higher power was protecting him.
His parents have had similar protection from death over the years and here Gary relates how God showed his healing power over heart disease and cancer
My parents, Jack and Norma, retired to Torrevieja in Spain in 1992, because my Dad had needed heart surgery and they thought that the warm climate would be better for his health.
Shortly after arriving, though, Dad had complications with the new valves in his heart.
The doctor, whose name was Jesus Gomas-Planner (yes, a man called Jesus!), was intending to stop Dad’s heart on the Monday and re-start it again to get the rhythm back to normal. There was a great risk in doing this, so I felt led to fly to Spain on the Sunday to pray with him.
Dad gave his heart to the Lord and he felt a great release

Despite my best efforts, I missed visiting time and had to return with my Mum the next day. I shared with Dad what God had done in my life and the amazing miracles I had seen.
To my amazement, he said, “Well, you better pray for me then”.
Dad gave his heart to the Lord and he felt a great release. While chatting, he mentioned another patient called John, who was dying of cancer and had been given only hours to live.
So I felt led to pray for John on the way out of the hospital. John was over six foot tall, but now only weighed seven stone and all his family had gathered to say goodbye.
When I offered to pray for him, they all left the room saying, “I’m out of here, the crazy man has arrived”.
“The hospital is talking about John’s miracle healing”
Despite this ‘put-down’, I felt the boldness of the Lord and asked John if he wanted to give his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. John said, “Yes”, so I led him in prayer to repent of his sins and receive the Lord Jesus. I also prayed for God’s miraculous healing though his Son’s shed blood on the Cross. I often feel a move of the Holy Spirit when God tells me to pray for healing for people, but on this occasion, I didn’t feel anything.
After I returned to the UK, I rang Mum to find out how Dad was. I was astonished when she said, “They have sent him home because they can’t find anything wrong with him. Do you want to speak to him?!”
Dad came on the phone and said, “I feel good thanks, but I have a bone to pick with you. Did you pray for anyone else when you came to the hospital?”
I also prayed for God’s miraculous healing though his Son’s shed blood on the Cross
I initially thought he was annoyed, but told him what I’d done. Dad went on to say, “Well, the hospital is talking about John’s miracle healing. When you left, he got out of bed, walked down the corridor and asked if he could have some food! The next day they sent him home”.
So John went home, not to die, but to live. My Dad saw him six months later putting his dustbins outside his house. Thank God for his grace and mercy.
Making peace with God
My parents, Norma and Jack, had over 28 years of wonderful sun and friendship in Spain. They would often share the miracles with others, who had mixed reactions. Some reacted with doubt, and some said, “That’s nice for you”, but one day we will all face our Maker and it will be too late, if you haven’t given your life to him.
The Bible says in Psalm 90:10-12: “The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 years) – or even, if by reason of strength, fourscore years (80 years)”.
My Dad slowed down as he grew older. But he had made his peace with God and by 86 he was ready to go to be with him. He would often say, “I’m ready to go, look after your Mum for me”.
One day we will all face our Maker and it will be too late, if you haven’t given your life to him
Dad died in his sleep and we scattered his ashes in the River Medway. We were all sad; many came to his ‘celebration of life’ service and paid tribute to him.
Mum came back to the UK and lives with us now. My brother Kevin, sister Kim and I felt we had missed out on 25 years while they were abroad, but we are making up for lost time now, with as many hugs as we can get.
A little bird told us Dad was fine
A few months after Jack’s passing, I was in the kitchen with Mum and she was sad, as she missed her ‘Jacky Pops’. We embraced each other but didn’t say anything. As we reflected on the fact that my Dad had given his heart to Christ, we knew he was in a better place, but we still both missed him.
Mum knew she would see her husband again, when her time on earth was complete
We reminisced about how Dad used to love gardening and watching the birds visit to eat the worms as he dug. His favourite was the robin, as they were bright and inquisitive.
As Mum and I stood in the kitchen, a robin came and sat on the windowsill and stared at us. Normally, they only stay in one place for a few seconds before flitting off, but this one just stayed and looked at us for over two minutes. It was extraordinary, but we both felt it was God saying “Jack is here with me and is free from pain and worries”.
Mum received further comfort when we walked into her room: a brilliant light was shining through the blinds and causing a reflection on the wardrobe. Amazingly, it was a reflection of the Cross, but the shape of the blinds couldn’t possibly have made that shape.
We felt this was a further confirmation: “Don’t be sad, rejoice, Jack was once dead, but is alive again with me in heaven”. Mum knew she would see her husband again, when her time on earth was complete.
Since then, most of Mum’s friends in Spain and the UK have, sadly, died. She would ask, “Why don’t people get right with God before they die – will I ever see them again? I hate to think that they might end up spending eternity in hell, in the lake of burning fire”.
A challenge from my Mum
My Mum, Norma, has written a short, autobiographical booklet; in it she explains how God has always protected her. Now she wants to inspire people she knows to ‘check out’ Jesus Christ for themselves.
Here’s an extract from her booklet:
I have seen many miracles and he can do the same for you. I have great hopes of seeing my Mum Eileen and my husband Jack again in heaven, I would love to see you there too, when it comes our time to stand before our Father in heaven.
The Bible says in 1Peter 3:15-16: “But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defence to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.”
If you say the following prayer; which doesn’t cost anything (except it cost Christ his life) it is a free gift, to absolve you of all your mistakes in life and give you a fresh start and eternity in heaven.
The greatest gift, is everlasting life – a free gift from heaven.
Regardless of your decision, I will continue to love you and spend time with you, but time is short for both you and me, so don’t delay, tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.
Then read this prayer below and if you agree with the words, just simply say them out loud to God; the maker of heaven and earth and you can have a fresh start to your life TODAY!
“Lord Jesus, I believe you died for me, and that our Father God raised you from the dead on the third day, so I can have a fresh start in life and know you personally. I choose to turn away from my sins (wrongdoings). I receive your forgiveness and with that grace, I forgive those who have hurt me, and ask you to come into my heart and live as Lord and Saviour each day. I ask all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
If you have said this prayer and meant it, then please contact us via: where you can download a copy of this testimony in a PDF format.
FREE testimony printing offer
Gary Guillon is offering HEART readers the opportunity to record your testimony and convert it into a booklet to help you evangelise, with the possibility, too, of having it published in this paper.
Contact him via