Pastor Narayana, one of their hosts, with his wife and the five orphans they care for

Arundel minister’s team visits India

At the time of going to press, Rev Mark Weeden and a small team from Sussex will have concluded ten days of ministry in Kenya. Hosted by local pastors in the developing world, these visits take place several times a year and often include meeting up with the national representatives of organisations like Bible Society and Operation Mobilisation.

A typical visit includes Gospel crusades, teaching and giving out Bibles to orphans in several locations.

Mark reports that “by God’s grace, and through our mission-minded friends’ support and prayers”, their overseas visits in 2014 saw:

• 5 pastors’ conferences with

• 271 attendees

• 10 evangelistic crusades

• 510 professions of faith

• 51 messages preached

• 352 Bibles given out

40+ New Testaments given away

• 48 children’s Bibles given to orphans (their joy was wonderful to see – Acts 20:35)

• 1 solar powered projector given to an evangelist

• 2 ladies’ meetings (not led by Mark!)

• Numerous children’s opportunities (every bit as significant as ministry to adults)

These photos from Mark’s ministry in India last autumn shows one of his hosts, Pastor Narayana, with five orphan children whom he and his wife have taken in. Sussex Christians are welcome to join these mission trips and that time Mark was accompanied by Malcolm and Shirley Clay and Val Hunter.

Details of forthcoming visits from