Bibles flying off the shelves

The Bible has experienced a dramatic surge in sales as readers search for hope amid the pandemic. One US publisher had a 62 per cent increase in April compared to last year.

Spike in online conversions

The number of people seeking online information about knowing Jesus has increased since the Covid-19 outbreak, according to three of the largest online evangelism ministries (Global Media Outreach, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Campus Crusade for Christ). Meanwhile, one in four UK adults have tuned in to online services, and one in 20 have started praying.

Medical staff praying together

A Christian doctor working in intensive care told Christian Medical Fellowship, “[I’m seeing] huge openness from [my] colleagues. Several are praying with us at 7pm having never prayed in their life before.”

Christian marriages improving under lockdown

In a survey of over 1,000 Christians 86 per cent said that their marriage relationship or relationship with their partner had improved, and that there had been fewer arguments and “less irritation”.