Maritime pilot Ben McDermott often strikes up conversations with the international crews of the ships he guides safely into port.
Ben has worked at sea all his life, but when it comes to faith, he’s not all at sea. He says that his own anchor is Jesus, but he has found few opportunities to meet other true Christians.
“We pray for God’s guidance and protection on the voyage”

So he was amazed to meet a Dutch captain in late summer who shared his faith. Ben told HEART, “I boarded a vessel which was at anchor and was discussing the state of our countries. I mentioned how we’re seeing the spread of global communism, similar to ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’. Normally I get very little back from people but this captain looked at me and said, ‘I believe you.’”
And Ben’s jaw dropped further when the captain asked, “How are you preparing for the second Advent?”
They spent the entire navigation passage out to the Solent discussing Christianity and the captain let Ben pray for him.

It turned out that the entire crew, from the Netherlands, Philippines and Latvia are Christians. The captain said: “Every Sunday evening we come together to pray for God’s guidance and protection on the voyage.”
Now the vessel, the Liamere, comes in every week and Ben has been giving the captain Christian materials including copies of HEART and Roger Price’s teaching. Ben reports: “The Captain has been asking me for hours about different teaching and theology.”
Emboldened by the positive response to HEART from the Liamere’s crew, Ben commented: “HEART gives such revelation and is a joy to read. I’ve even started discussing it with my other pilots and our department.”
Healings in Portsmouth
Recovery of sight and restored mobility have been seen at healing meetings held in October.
The meetings were put on in Portsmouth by Doxa Encounters Ministries, who also held a well-attended prophetic conference this November (advertised in HEART’s Oct/Nov issue).
Having just returned from conducting nightly healing crusades in Africa, the ministry’s leader, Mark Gamblin, wanted to “continue the flow of the healing anointing.”
She started walking unaided for the first time in two years
He added: “In developing countries such as India or Africa, we see amazing signs and wonders. Yet little is seen in the UK. We believe that it is time for the raw power of God to be let loose up and down the UK.”

Mark’s wife Sarah reports: “On the second night during Mark’s preaching an elderly lady walked up to the front, stopping him to ask for her eyes to be healed. After a few minutes of praying, the woman started reading words from the projector screen, testifying that this was ‘absolutely not normal’ – the words would usually just have been a big blur.”
Another woman who was known to a number of the congregation members had been bedridden since 2020, in pain and on morphine. Sarah told HEART: “She felt the pain leave her body as she started walking unaided for the first time in two years. She returned the following night to give her testimony!”
Other people experienced pain leaving their head, legs, hips, shoulders, stomach and nose, as well as relief from arthritic pain, with many reporting that they felt heat on the site of their pain during prayer. “There were many more who claimed to have been touched by the healing power of Jesus,” says Sarah.
They plan to hold more healing events across the country in 2023.
For more information and to watch videos of healings, visit