By Iris Watson

South African Gustave Englebrecht has been free of harsh lower back pain for several weeks since a healing meeting at his new Kent church this summer.

Gustave enjoying a Sunday church picnic in Dane Park, Margate
Gustave enjoying a Sunday church picnic in Dane Park, Margate

A Christian since boyhood, Gustave and his wife Sandy, originally from Durham, have only been living in the UK since July.

After Gustave discovered English roots in his Afrikaaner heritage, he and Sandy felt led back to Britain and joined New Life Family Church in Margate. Gustave had been in Christian ministry outside the UK, but the warm welcome at his new church was “just like coming home.”

Happily they arrived in time for the church’s summer conference; at a midweek service, visiting Minister Nevil Norden, also South African, announced, “A man is suffering from lower back pain; would this person please stand up”.

Gustave got to his feet, Nevil prayed for him and the pain rescinded.  It is now several weeks since the conference and Gustave is still pain free. I asked him why he thought that was, and he told me he has always believed in healing. He commented that he would continue to believe he was healed and stay pain free, by praying, constantly thanking and giving praise to God.

Click here to read “How I kept my healing” and other articles to encourage faith for healing