Henry Olonga at Worthing Tabernacle, 6-7 June 2014
by David Rutter

THE LARGE AUDIENCE at the Worthing Tabernacle was bowled over by both Henry’s enthralling life  story and his most beautiful singing voice.

Henry came up from Somerset to speak on his cricketing career, Christian faith and the many outlets  of his artistic and creative lifestyle with his prowess in art, cinematography, music composition and public speaking.

In a two-hour interview by Worthing Tabernacle elder, Tony Stubbs, Henry spoke in his charismatic and energising manner of his upbringing and his breakthrough into international cricket, including his famous ‘Black Armband’ protest with Andy Flower during the Cricket World Cup in Zimbabwe in 2003.

Staying in Worthing overnight, Henry also spoke at the church’s Christian men’s breakfast next morning. He commented on footage shown of a memorable game against India, and also spoke on the folly of wealth and fame. At both meetings Henry’s testimony of his own deeply held faith and his clear and lucid invitation for others to a deeper commitment all made an unforgettable experience to be
enjoyed by a grateful and enthusiastic audience.