While Irish pro-life supporters wept over the abortion referendum result in May, former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says the vote was “an inspiring sight”.

US politician Hillary Clinton praised the Irish abortion referendum result

Clinton even claimed that it was a win “for the most vulnerable” – a phrase usually used by pro-lifers to describe unborn children.

She said: “We witnessed [in Ireland] an outpouring of moral conviction, civic engagement and lasting commitment to stand up for the most vulnerable among us.”

On 25 May, the Irish people voted 66 per cent to 33 per cent to allow first-trimester abortions, with later abortions theoretically limited to medical emergencies or fatal foetal abnormalities.

British doctor Calum Miller, an Oxford University-educated ethicist, believes the vote is a “disaster for the unborn”, who are “not just ‘clumps of cells’… what is growing inside the woman is a new, individual human being, with its own body, and its own interests, and its own

But he also believes it is a disaster for women: “The research has shown time and time again that abortion does not help mental health, even when the pregnancy is deeply unwanted…  yet there is such a persistent lie that abortion will help women.”