Christian Friends of Israel conference, Eastbourne

“Jesus was a Jew, but the Church uncircumcised him” was the challenging title of the last message of this excellent teaching day.

It was given by Simon Ponsonby, the Pastor of Theology at St Aldate’s Church of England, Oxford, who, after years of study, had been led to the view that only a more literal interpretation did justice to the Bible.

Equally learned was his fellow speaker, Martin Charlesworth, the minister at Barnabas Community New Frontiers Church, Shrewsbury, who spoke of his deep love for the Arab people, but stressed the importance of communicating the biblical place of Israel to other pastors and young people: “I wish people had invested in me rather than my stumbling along.”

Martin’s teaching was probably more suited to Bible College students, but I would warmly recommend obtaining the CDs from CFI Communications.

Melanie Symonds