From special forces to pastor

Very soon after fully committing his life to God, Greg sensed that God wanted him in Christian ministry. In 1980 he joined the chaplaincy corps; taking a Land Rover filled with Gideon Bibles to the north-east border, he saw about 30 men become Christians over three months.

From 1981 to 1984 he studied at Johannesburg’s Baptist Theological College. God also took care of his personal life; before leaving for college he met his future wife, Glenys, and on arriving in Johannesburg discovered she was studying midwifery at the hospital opposite his college! They married a year later.

Greg and Glenys with their children, Timothy and Dawn, in 2008

Their children, Dawn and Timothy, were both born with dislocated feet. Greg says it was heart-wrenching to see his babies go through the pain of operations: “But God used the experience to break my heart which had become hardened by all I’d seen in the Bush War.”

After various pastoral and teaching roles, Greg pastored New Life Baptist Church in northern South Africa for 16 years, where he and Glenys also founded Bushveld Bethel Christian Academy. In 2005 he gained a doctorate in Christian Education.

“God intervened in my life as a young man who was completely opposed to him,” says Pastor Greg Hibbins (pictured with his wife Glenys)

They moved to England in 2009, where Greg now pastors Ambassadors’ Bible Church in Shrivenham as well as running leadership seminars. He has written a devotional on spiritual warfare and had his first military-themed novel published in 2015.

Greg continually thanks God for the miraculous deliverance from the dark destiny planned for him by those he should have trusted most: “All the ‘-isms’ – including satanism and all its branches – seek to lift up self. God has taught me that in order to find true peace and happiness, we must die to our own desires and opinions and live only for him.”