Lawrence and Judy Gentis; after 27 years of marriage, he knows her about 10 per cent and has written a book about it

Steps to a victorious marriage in modern society
By Lawrence Gentis with Judy Gentis
Foreword by Colin Urquhart

A book on marriage by a man whose wife is still a mystery to him

Are you a man who is sometimes confused by women? If so, this is the book for you. At the time of writing it, musician Lawrence (Larry) Gentis had been married to accountant Judy for 27 years, yet although they are now grandparents, he says he feels the extent to which he knows her is about ten per cent.

The book is aimed at helping traditional couples to achieve a godly marriage. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular aspect of marriage, and the author gives hard earned personal advice, sprinkled with real world anecdotes, and compares it with scriptures and biblical perspectives. Judy puts the feminine point of view forward too, and the whole is a well-balanced book.

The book starts with the story of how Larry and Judy were brought together by the Lord, despite the differences in their backgrounds. He came from a wealthy, much-divorced Californian family and was not a Christian when they met; she was already a born again Christian from securely married parents in rural Malawi. Larry describes the development of the relationship, and how he grew into his role as a husband.

It could be said that much of the content and truths in the text are self-apparent, and to those who are more emotionally aware, this is true. However, to those who struggle to comprehend the actions of their spouses, the contents could be a revelation. This newly discovered knowledge would lead to a greater understanding of their partner, and this can only be a good thing.

The real question when reviewing a book is always, should the reader be encouraged to buy it? If you are a man who does not fully understand his wife, then yes. Wives, too, could benefit from reading it to gain an insight into the struggles that Larry, in common with many men, has gone through in his attempt to fulfil the role God intends for him. If your marriage is not perfect (and whose is?) this book may help.

Michael Waller

Larry and Judy are offering seminars on understanding your spouse; see the Events section of this paper