It is hoped readers will want to pray about some of these matters

Iran issued new threats against Israel, promising that they are ready to launch “80,000 rockets on Tel Aviv and Haifa.” (Jerusalem Post, 25 May 2015). Israeli military and intelligence indicates that Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria are just waiting for instructions from Tehran to launch them.

Sunni Saudi Arabia is seeking to buy nuclear weapons, probably from its ally, Pakistan. (Sunday Times). Saudi news agency Al Jazeera praised Israeli PM Netanyahu for his speech to Congress warning about Shi;a Iran’s nuclear programme.


Critics say the Vatican’s decision to recognise a Palestinian state could have profound consequences for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and the future of Jerusalem. (CBN)


Lance Lambert, popular Bible teacher among Christian Zionists, died on May 10.


Ed Miliband was warned by Israel’s Labour party that his hostile stance would ‘play into Netanyahu’s hands’… (Middle East report, Revelation TV, May 8)


The 200 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram last year are probably being held inside bunkers in the Sambisa Forest in Nigeria. This was revealed by Borno State governor Kassim Shettima in late May.


The Southern Baptists have reversed a ten-year ban on praying in tongues.


Irish voters chose to redefine marriage to allow couples of the same sex to ‘marry’, largely ignoring the Catholic Church’s guidance. Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin ruled out gay weddings in Catholic churches. After the vote Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Well done, Ireland.”

US bank JP Morgan had bought $80 million of silver between January-April 2015.


Control by chip: at its checkpoints in Tibet, China requires nomads and farmers to show an ID card with a second-generation chip which contains their biometrics. (The Sunday Times, April 28)


Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EU, called for the creation of an EU army on March 8.


Fasting has featured in the national press as a cure for disease.