After a leak revealed that the US Supreme Court might overturn the 1973 Roe v Wade judgment which allowed abortions nationwide, pro-abortionists have reacted with protests, death threats against pro-life organisations and an attempt to bypass the Supreme Court.

The Democrats tried to bypass the Court by mandating unlimited abortion nationwide in the Senate, but failed to do so by a vote of 49-51 on 11 May. The Democrat bill would have forced all states to allow the practice by enshrining abortion on demand in federal law.

Justice Samuel Alito
Justice Samuel Alito, whose home was surrounded by about 100 demonstrators after his leaked draft opinion indicated the Supreme Court is prepared to overturn the landmark Roe v Wade abortion ruling

The leak from the Supreme Court was a tentative position, not a final judgement, but just the possibility of losing Roe v Wade was enough to spark vehement protests and death threats. Large barricades had to be erected around the Supreme Court building in Washington DC to ensure security.

After the Supreme Court Justices’ personal addresses were maliciously published online, protestors attempted to intimidate the judges and their families by demonstrating outside their own homes, in violation of federal law. The Senate even had to pass a bill to allow the Supreme Court to provide 24-hour protection to the families of the justices.

A pro-life organisation in Wisconsin had its offices attacked with fire and a Molotov cocktail, as well as receiving abusive voicemail messages wishing death and suffering upon its staff.

Jay Sekulow of the American Centre for Law and Justice says: “The pro-abortion Left worships at the altar of abortion. They’re engaged in an intimidation campaign to sway [Supreme Court] justices to change their minds.

” More than 20 states currently have laws on the books that would effectively ban abortion within their borders, and more than a dozen states, plus the District of Columbia, have laws that legally safeguard abortion. If Roe v Wade falls, all these laws would be activated.

President Biden has called on the elected branches of government to take over the preservation of abortion on demand if Roe v Wade goes, and at the federal level he said he would work to adopt legislation that codifies the right to abortion.


Unelected billionaire-funded body could take power over populations

German MEP Christine Anderson has warned that a planned EU agreement with the World Health Organisation (WHO) would allow the WHO to seize governmental power in the event of a pandemic.

“A non-legitimised body, into which the richest of the super-rich buy their way through donations”

MEP Christine Anderson
MEP Christine Anderson

Anderson said on her YouTube channel: “A democratically non-legitimised body, into which the richest of the super-rich buy their way through donations, is to decide in the future whether a pandemic situation exists, in order to then directly take over governmental power.”

Since 1 March, an intergovernmental task force has been revising the treaties between the WHO and the EU member states, for acceptance in the EU by 2024. The WHO confirmed this in a press release last December. The EU Council justified the WHO takeover by saying: “Next time, the world must be prepared.”

In her video, Anderson argued that allowing the WHO such power would be a “direct attack on the rule of the people by the people… the most elementary principle of any democracy.”

She asked the [EU] Commission how it would ensure that people’s rights would be respected. She said: “The answer I received is… not at all! The Commission could have simply stated that it is very important not to bypass citizens… But it didn’t.”

The MEP believes that WHO decision-makers will be able to “issue instructions to you but are not accountable to you and cannot be held politically responsible by you.”

Canada secretly hacked citizens’ phone data

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government authorised spying on citizens

The Canadian government tracked the movements of 33 million people by their mobile phone data during the Covid crisis – without their consent or knowledge.

Health officials monitored shopping trips and when people travelled out of their city

Health officials obtained detailed information on personal behaviour, including shopping trips, family gatherings, how long was spent indoors, and when people travelled out of their city or province. Life Site News reports that the secret surveillance programme conducted by Justin Trudeau’s government was revealed to MPs by Canada’s House of Commons ethics committee, which made the announcement in May.

The reason given was to understand the “public’s responsive[1]ness during lockdown measures”.

Commentators worry that the surveillance many governments are using to combat Covid could be used for other purposes.


The US state of Oregon is forcing all schools, even infant schools, to put menstrual products in boys’ toilets.

Female-avoiding phrases like “students who menstruate”

The state’s new Menstrual Dignity Act, approved by the Democrat Governor last year, says that feminine hygiene products should be available in “every student bathroom”, along with instructions on how to use them. Oregon’s advice for implementing the law is filled with female-avoiding phrases like “students who menstruate”. Meanwhile, Wisconsin State Representative Francesca Hong, a Democrat, has been lambasted by conservatives for calling pregnant women “birthing bodies” rather than women, while dis[1]cussing the potential overturn of the Roe v Wade abortion judgement. “We have a name,” women’s magazine Evie complained. “Birthing bodies doesn’t even make sense since women getting abortions are literally not birthing.”

Bible-Tweeting Finnish MP acquitted in “hate speech” trial now faces appeal

Päivi Räsänen
Päivi Räsänen still faces jail if found ‘guilty’

Päivi Räsänen, the Finnish MP who was cleared of all hate speech charges for expressing her biblical beliefs on marriage, now faces further uncertainty as her prosecutor is appealing against her victory. A three-judge panel on the Helsinki District Court had unanimously acquitted Ms Räsänen of all charges on 30 March, arguing that it was “not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts.”

In a 28-page judgement, the court reasoned that statements made by the former interior minister and Christian Democratic Party leader didn’t constitute hate speech even though they may have offended members of the LGBT community.

The court had ordered the prosecution to pay Räsänen more than 60,000 euros in legal costs, but the prosecution has now publicly stated its intentions to appeal the decision.

The former minister of the interior was facing at least two years in prison for tweeting a Bible verse describing homosexuality as shameful in 2019 and for sharing her traditional Chris[1]tian view on marriage in a TV debate and in a 2004 pamphlet written with the bishop.

Paul Coleman, chief executive of ADF International, the legal organisation representing Ms Räsänen, told Premier that by appealing the ruling, the prosecutor seems to be wanting to protect her reputation over the way the case had been communicated to the media.

“The Helsinki court didn’t just find in Päivi’s favour and in on the side of the bishop, [it] also had issue with how the prosecutor had set up and framed the case, this is highly unusual.

Reacting to the news, Ms Räsänen said: “This case has been hanging over me and my family for almost three years. After my full exoneration in court, I am dismayed that the prosecutor will not let this campaign against me drop. Once again, I am prepared to defend freedom of speech and religion not just for me, but for everyone.”