TIME magazine praises ‘conspiracy’ against Trump

Donald Trump and his supporters were universally condemned by the British media for claiming that the 2020 US election had been ‘stolen’. Now one of the world’s leading news magazines says Trump did face a conspiracy against him.
TIME magazine – while attacking Trump – revealed “the secret history of the shadow campaign” for Joe Biden. TIME writer Molly Ball wrote of a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information”.
A conspiracy between left-wing activists and business titans
Although Ball lauded the project as a virtuous attempt to preserve democracy, she also describes it as a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans”.
HEART has been informed that a documentary called ‘Absolute proof’, by entrepreneur Mike Lindell, claims to give evidence using digital sources that the US election was ‘stolen’. If you have viewed it, please send a review to letters@heartpublications.co.uk
Pro-life Christian website banned
A pro-life news website has been banned by YouTube, which is owned by tech giant Google.
The video-sharing platform completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel and all its videos in February. In a statement to CBN News, LifeSite’s Rebekah Roberts said: “YouTube and other tech titans are simply not interested in allowing anyone to dissent from their state-approved, liberal, totalitarian ideology.”
LifeSite has a Catholic leadership but has often criticised Pope Francis. Last year it featured Archbishop Vigano’s open letters to then President Trump, warning him of global conspirators.
A report on LifeSite’s recent ‘Unmasking Covid-19’ online conference is in this newspaper. LifeSite’s videos can now be found on Rumble at: rumble.com/user/LifeSiteNews
Pastor fined for teaching Bible doctrine

A German pastor has been fined 8,100 Euros for ‘inciting hatred’ against homosexuals in private remarks to church couples.
Rev Olaf Latzel of St Martini, an evangelical church, stated the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality in a seminar and described gender ideology as “an attack against God’s order of creation”.
Latzel’s lawyer warned the conviction was an attack on free speech: “While today this is about a view found in the Bible, tomorrow it will be about any other opinion.”
Evangelical Biden voters feel ‘betrayed’
A group of Christian leaders who supported the Democrats in the 2020 US election say they feel “used and betrayed” by President Biden on abortion.
Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden have been shocked by the new administration’s plan to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding of abortion in most instances, and Biden’s decision to restore funding to overseas abortion programmes.
The order “effectively targets people of faith”
Christian Republicans labelled Christian Democrats as naïve, because Joe Biden made it absolutely clear that he was running as a pro-abortion president. In the Christian Post, Trump supporter Michael Brown said: “During the campaign, I challenged these leaders, saying that there was no way they could call themselves pro-life and yet vote for Joe Biden.”
Those who hold to biological reality “will be forced to violate their consciences”
As soon as Biden moved into the White House he began to overturn Trump’s successes, not just on pro-life issues but on holding back transgender ideology. One of Biden’s executive orders gave men self-declaring as women the right to join female sports teams and use women’s toilets and changing rooms. The hashtag #BidenErasedWomen began trending on Twitter.The president of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, told the Christian Post that the move “effectively targets people of faith and faith-based organisations,” and that those who hold to biological reality “will be forced to violate their consciences”.
Biden has also reversed Trump’s ban on the use of critical race theory in government institutions. The controversial theory has been accused of creating more, not less, division, due to its racial stereotyping.
The wide-ranging Equality Bill is also being supported by the President (see separate news item) despite its potential damage to Christian freedoms.
Christian adoption agency offers children to gay parents
The largest Protestant adoption and foster agency in the US has announced it will now allow children to be placed with LGBT couples.
The historically evangelical Bethany Christian Services has been criticised by Christian leaders disappointed with the decision. Southern Baptist leader Al Mohler said that Bethany had caved in to “the demands of the moral revolutionaries”.
US bans home abortions
In contrast to the British government’s embrace of self-administered ‘DIY abortions’ during the pandemic, the US Supreme Court has struck down coronavirus regulations allowing DIY abortion pills to be taken at home, unsupervised.
The Court has reinstated federal rules that require the abortion pill Mifeprex to be administered to women by a healthcare provider at a clinic, due to safety concerns.
The Supreme Court ‘s decision was a welcome fruit of Donald Trump’s legacy, as the former president’s last two successful nominees to the Court, Judges Kavanaugh and Barrett, were pro-life Catholics.
Multi-faith worship site planned for UAE

A massive inter-faith centre is to be built in the United Arab Emirates.
The Abrahamic House of Fraternity will incorporate a mosque, a church and a synagogue united around a garden. The project sprang from agreements made in the Document on Human Fraternity signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar during the pontiff’s visit to Abu Dhabi in February 2019.